Artifact Static.

Artifact power points table.

Magnitude of Artifact Minor Lesser Greater Major
Maximum Number of Power Points and Powers
Maximum # of Power Points 100 250 500 750
Maximum # of Powers 8 11 14 17
Maximum Types of Powers
A. Attacks 2 3 4 4
B. Information & Movement 1 2 3 4
C. Transformations 2 2 3 4
D. Defences 3 4 4 5
Recharging Rate
TP per hour 30 60 120 180
TP per turn 5 10 20 30
Adverse Effects
Handicaps 1 2 3 4
Penalties 1 3 5 8

Artifact weapon characteristics table.

Cost Characteristics.
1 Per 2 pts base damage weapon can do.maximum damage: 2x normal.
3 Missile weapon.
5 Thrown weapon.
5 Per +1 bonus to attack and damage one restricted group. maximum bonus: +5
10 Per +1 bonus to attack and damage all targets.Maximum bonus: +5


Magnitude Duration
Minor 30 days
Lesser 60 days
Greater 120 days
Major 240 days
1d100 Type of handicap
01-05 Doom
06-15 Lameness
16-35 Magic error
36-60 Operating costs
61-75 Recharging costs
76-00 Sentience


1d100 Type of penalty
01-02 Die
03-10 Forgetfulness
11-15 Gaseous form
16-20 Life trapping
21-30 Mania
31-40 Operatinal error
41-55 Paranoia
56-65 Service
66-80 Spell effect
91-90 Withdrawal
91-00 Wounded
1d100 Type of handicap or penalty
01-05 Ability score penalty
06-08 Aging
09-10 Alignment change
11-15 Anti-magic 100%, 10' radius
16-20 Armor class penalty
21-25 Attack roll penalty
26-30 Attitude or behavior change
31-32 Body part change
33-35 Damage
36-40 Damage penalty
41-43 Extra damage from blows
44-45 Extra damage from magic
46-47 Energy drain
48-50 Ethereality under stress
51-55 Fumbling
56-60 Gas
61-65 Greed
66-70 Hit points penalty
71-75 Magic destruction
76-80 Memory penalty
81-85 Obsession
86-88 Polymorph
89-90 Range penalty
91-93 Repel others
94-95 Rot
96-97 Saving throws penalty
98 Size change
99-00 Weak magic

Artifact powers table.

A Attacks.
A1(Direct physical attacks)

Cost Attack Type.
10 Cause light wounds (7hp damage).
15 Magic missile (5 missiles; 1d6+1 damage each).
20 *Flaming (6T; +2 vs. hippogriffs pegasi; rocs; trolls or +3 vs. treants; undead).
25 Cause disease (30') No effect vs. Immortals.
30 Cause serious wounds (14hp damage).
30 *Extinguishing (6T; douse normal flame; double bonuses vs. fire using creatures).
35 Cause critical wounds (21hp damage).
35 *Bearhug (1T).
40 Poison (Touch).
40 Dispel evil (30'; 1T) No effect vs. Immortals.
40 *Electricity (Special; 6d6 damage to melee attackers).
45 Cloudkill (1'; 6T less 5HD must make ST vs. poison or die). area effect 30'x20' No effect vs. Immortals.
45 Ice storm (120'; 20d6 damage in 20' cube).
50 Death spell (240' slay up to 32HD(7th level or below) creatures in 60' cube). No effect vs. Immortals.
50 Finger of Death (60') No effect vs. Immortals.
50 *Poison gas breath (3r; 20' cube) No effect vs. Immortals.
50 *Slicing (6T; Instantly kill on roll of 19-20). Immortal victim only take double damage.
55 Fireball (240'; 20d6 damage).
60 *Fire breath (30'x10'; damage equals 1/2 of user's hp. up to 70).
60 *Ice breath (30'x10'; damage equals 1/2 of user's hp. up to 70).
60 Lightning bolt (180'; 20d6 damage; 60'x5').
65 *Acid breath (30'x5').
65 Delayed blast fireball (240'; delay of 0-60 rounds at caster choice; 20d6 damage).
75 Explosive cloud (1'; 6T; 20'x30'x30',20hp per round).
80 Disintegrate (60'; 1 creature). An Immortal suffers 6d10 damage.
85 Power word kill (120'; kill 60hp, or stun 60-100hp for 4T). No effect vs. Immortals.
90 Obliterate (60'; Automatically slays up to 7HD; 8-12HD save at -4, above 12HD take 6d10 damage). No effect vs. Immortals.
100 Meteor swarm (240'; 4 for 8d6+8d6 or 8 for 4d6+4d6).

A2(Direct mental attacks)

Cost Attack Type.
10 Cause fear(120'; 2T). No effect vs. Immortals.
15 Sleep(240'; 20T; up to 20HD). No effect vs. Immortals.
20 Charm person(120'). No effect vs. Immortals.
25 Confusion(120'; 12r; up to 18 creatures in 30' radius). No effect vs. Immortals.
30 Charm monster(120'; 12r; 18 creatures at 3HD or less, or 1 at 3+ HD). No effect vs. Immortals.
30 *Calm others(120'; up to 40HD).
35 *Control plants(All in 30'x30'; 20T).
40 Feeblemind(240'; -4 to ST, Int score becomes 2). No effect vs. Immortals.
45 Charm plant(120'; 3 months; 1 tree or 6 bushes or 12 shrub or 24 small plants).
50 Geas(30'). No effect vs. Immortal.
60 *Control animals(20T; up to 40HD, 20 creatures).
70 *Control lesser undead(20T; up to 9HD or less, 20HD total, 10 individual creature).
75 Mass charm(120'; 30HD, -2 to ST). No effect vs. Immortals.
80 Open mind(Touch; -8 to ST). No effect vs. Immortals.
85 *Control giants(20T; one type, 4 creatures).
90 *Control greater undead(20T; any HD, 40HD of creatures, up to 20 individual creatures).
95 *Control dragons(20T; one type, 3 small dragons or one large).
100 *Control humans(20T; up to 7HD humans, 40HD total, up to 20 individual creatures).

A3(Attacks that stop or slow)

Cost Attack Type.
10 Web(10'; 10'x10'x10'; 48T).
15 Hold animal(180'; 40T; one type, 4 creatures).
20 Hold person(120'; 40T; up to 4 creatures).
25 Slow(240'; 3T; up to 24 creatures, 30' radius). No effect vs. Immortals.
35 Hold monster(120'; 46T; up to 4 creatures).
45 Turn wood(30'; 40T; 120'x60').
50 Flesh to stone(120'; 1 creature or 10' cube). No effect vs. Immortals.
60 Power word stun(120'; up to 35hp = 12r, 36-70hp = 6r). No effect vs. Immortals.
75 Dance(Touch; 8r; -4 to ST & +4 penalty to AC).
85 Power word blind(120'; up to 40hp = 4days, 41-80hp = 2d4hours).
100 *Life Trapping.
100 Maze(60'; 6T to 4r, depending on Intelligence).
500 *Immortal life trapping.

A4(Miscellaneous attack forms)

Cost Attack Type.
10 Blight(60'; 6T; 20'sq. -1 to ML, attack, and damage rolls).
15 Darkness(120'; 46T; 30' diameter).
20 Light(120'; 46T; 30' diameter).
20 *Set normal trap, 50%(6T).
20 *Turn undead as 6th level cleric(1T).
25 Curse(Touch).
25 *Disarm attack(6T).
30 Continual darkness(120'; 30' radius).
30 *Pick pockets, 50%(6T).
35 *Draining(1 blow; drain 1 level or HD). Used vs. Immortals, drains 25TP per blow).
40 Silence 15' radius(180'; 12T).
45 Polymorph other(60'; new form can have up to twice the HD of old form). Used against Immortal, the victim can return to normal immediately.
45 *Turn undead as 12th level cleric(2T).
50 Babble(60'; 40T).
50 *Flying(1T/ 10r).
55 Dispel magic(120'; 20'cube).
55 *Pick pockets, 75%(6T).
60 Appear(240'; 1T; 20' cube).
65 *Set normal trap, 90%(6T).
70 *Draining(1 blow; drain 2 levels or HD). Used against Immortal, drains 50TP per blow.
70 Turn undead as 24th level cleric(3T).
75 Polymorph any object(240'; 40-240T; 10'cube).
80 *Pick pockets, 100%(6T).
90 *Anti-magic ray(1T; 100%).
100 *Blasting(60'x20'; 2d6 damage and deafen).
250 *De-power(Permanent; Touch; Destroys 100PP; requires one Hierarch from each Sphere to activate).

A5(Bonus to attacks)

Cost Attack Type.
10 Bless(60'; 6T; 20 sq., +1 to ML, attack0, and damage rolls).
15 *Weapon damage bonus +2(1T).
20 *Attack roll bonus +2(1T).
20 *Turn undead bonus +2 to roll, 1d6 to HD(1T).
25 *Leap to 30', +2 attack roll bonus with leap attacks(1T).
25 *Weapon damage bonus +3(1T).
25 *Weapon strength bonus +1(1T).
30 *Attack roll bonus +3(1T).
30 *Spell damage bonus, +1 pt per die(1 spell).
30 Striking(30'; 1T; +1d6 damage).
35 *Weapon damage bonus +4(1T).
40 *Attack roll bonus +4 to roll(1T).
40 *Turning undead bonus +4 to roll, +2d6 to HD(1T).
40 *Weapon strength bonus +2(1T).
45 *Weapon damage bonus +5(1T).
50 *Attack roll bonus +5(1T).
50 *Leap to 60', +4 attack roll bonus with leap attacks(1T).
55 *Spell damage bonus, +2 pts per die(1 spell).
55 *Weapon strength bonus +3(1T).
60 *Turn undead bonus +6 to roll, +3d6 to HD(1T).
70 *Weapon damage bonus: double weapon damage(1T).
70 *Weapon strength bonus +4(1T).
75 *Leap to 90', +6 attack roll bonus with leap attacks(1T).
80 *Spell damage bonus, +3 pts per die(1 spell).
85 *Smash attack(1T).
85 *Weapon strength bonus +5(1T).
90 *Weapon damage bonus: triple weapon damage(1T).
100 *Spell damage bonus, +4 pts per die(1 spell).

B Information & movement.
B1(Aids to normal senses)

Cost Power
10 *Detect new construction(60'; 36T).
10 Read languages(6T).
10 Read magic(3T).
10 *Timekeeping(24 hours from 1 mark).
15 *Detect slopes(30'; 36T).
15 Speak with animals(30'; 6T).
20 Infravision(Touch; 1 day; see to 60').
25 *Hear noise, 50%(12T).
25 Speak with the dead(30'; 3 questions).
30 Speak with plants(30'; 3T).
30 *Tracking(6 hours; 90% outdoor, 50% indoor).
30 *Communication, lesser(with artifact creator only; 6T).
35 *Find secret doors(10'; 6T).
50 *Communication, greater(6T).
50 *Hear noise, 90%(24T).
50 Lie detection(120'; 3T). No effect vs. Immortals.
60 Speak with monsters(6T).
70 *Tracking(6 hours; 90% anywhere).
75 *Hear noise, 140%(36T).
80 *X-ray vision(30'; 1T).

B2(Additional senses)

Cost Power
10 *Find traps, 50%(6T).
10 Predict weather(12 hours; 40 miles).
15 Detect magic(6T; 60').
15 Detect evil(6T; 60').
20 Find traps, 60%(6T).
20 Know alignment(1r; 30').
20 Locate object(6T; 120').
25 Clairvoyance(60'; 12T).
25 ESP(60'; 12T).
30 *Find traps, 70%(6T).
30 Wizard eye(240'; 6T; MV120').
35 Find traps(2T; 30').
35 Detect invisible(400'; 6T).
40 Detect danger(200'; 6T).
40 *Find traps, 80%(6T).
45 *Choose best option(1T; 1 choice).
50 *Find traps, 90%(6T).
50 Truesight(5T; 120').
55 *Mapmaking(1T; sense 60' range).
60 *Find traps, 100%(6T).
60 *Treasure finding(6T, 400').
70 *Find traps, 110%(6T).
70 Lore(1T or 1 day).
80 Find the path(46T).

B3(Aids to movement)

Cost Power
10 *Climb walls, 70%(12T).
15 Levitate(46T).
15 *Tree movement(12T).
20 *Climb walls, 80%(12T).
20 Plant door(40T).
25 *Climb walls, 90%(12T).
25 Dimension door(10'; 1r; 360').
25 Fly(40+1d6T; MV 360').
30 *Gaseous form(3T).
30 Haste(240'; 3T; 24 creatures within 60').
35 *Move silently, 50%(6T).
35 Pass plant(300-600 yards).
35 *Web movement(12T).
40 *Climb walls, 100%(12T).
40 Telekinesis(120', 6r, carry 8000cn; MV20' per round).
45 Transport through plants(self and two additional creatures).
50 Teleport(10').
55 *Climb walls, 110%(12T).
55 *Move silently, 70%(6T).
60 *Burrowing(6T; MV 10', 30', or 60').
65 *Plane travel(self only; 1 shift).
70 *Climb walls, 120%(12T).
75 *Move silently, 90%(6T).
80 Travel(40T; MV 360', or 720' gaseous).
85 Teleport any object(1 creature, object 10' cube, or self safely; others save at -2).
90 Word of recall(Instantaneous).

B4(Aids to offset encumbrance)

Cost Power
10 *Container, to 5,000cn(6 hours).
10 Floating disc(6T, 5,000cn).
15 *Buoyancy, to 10,000cn(6T).
20 *Container, to 10,000cn(6 hours).
30 *Container, to 15,000cn(6 hours).
30 *Buoyancy, to 20,000cn(6T).
40 *Container, to 20,000cn(6 hours).
45 *Buoyancy, to 40,000cn(6T).
50 *Container, to 25,000cn(6 hours).
60 *Container, to 30,000cn(6 hours).
60 *Buoyancy, to 80,000cn(6T).
70 *Container, to 35,000cn(6 hours).
75 *Buoyancy, any weight(36T).
80 *Container, to 40,000cn(6 hours).
90 *Container, to 50,000cn(6 hours).

C Transformations.
C1(Creations and summonings)

Cost Power
15 Produce fire(2T).
20 Create water(6T; 50 gallons).
30 Summon animals(360'; 3T).
35 Create food(10'; food for 400 men and mounts).
40 Create normal animals(30'; 10T; 1-6 creatures).
45 Create normal monsters(30'; 2T; 40HD total).
50 Animate dead(60'; 40HD).
60 Animate objects(60'; 6T; 4,000cn).
70 Sword(30'; 40r; As two-handed sword, 2 attacks per round).
75 *Create normal objects(up to 1,000cn).
80 Clone(10'). No effect vs. Immortals.
90 Create magical monsters(60'; 3T; 40HD total).
100 Create any monster(90'; 4T; 40HD).

C2(Static changes)

Cost Power
10 Purify food and water(10'; 6 waterskin or 12 unpreserved rations of food or 1 preserved ration).
10 *Repair normal objects(up to 1,000cn).
15 *Change odors(30' cube).
15 *Change tastes(40 meals or 20 cu.ft.).
20 Hold portal(12T).
30 *Remove traps, 50%(6T).
30 Wizard lock(10').
35 *Create magical aura(120'; 3T; 40'cube).
40 Magic door(10'; 7 uses).
40 *Repair temporary magical object(1 object).
50 *Rulership(+10 to +50 confidence).
60 Magic lock(10'; 7 uses; 10' sq.).
60 *Remove traps, 75%(6T).
70 Remove barrier(60').
70 *Repair permanent magical object(1 object).
75 *Victory(+25 to War Machine combat results roll; loss results on CRT limited to 91-100 results).
80 Metal to wood(120'; 2,000cn).
85 Close gate(30').
90 Permanence(10').
90 *Remove traps, 100%(6T).
95 Gate(30'; 1T or d%T).
100 Timestop(1d4+1 rounds).
250 *Spell generation(provides spell to clerics when Immortal is absent).

C3(Dynamic changes)

Cost Power
10 *Open locks, 60%(6T).
15 Warp wood(240'; 40 arrows).
20 Growth of animal(120'; 12T; 2x Size).
20 Knock(60').
25 Growth of plants(120'; 3,000 sq.ft.).
25 Heat Metal(30'; 7r).
25 *Open locks, 70%(6T).
25 Shrink plants(120'; 3,000 sq.ft.).
30 Controls winds(40T; 400').
30 Harden(120'; 3,000 sq.ft. x10').
35 Control temperature 10' radius(40T; 50 degrees).
35 Dissolve(120'; 3-18 days; 3,000 sq.ft.x10').
40 Lower water(240'; 10T; water to 1/2 height).
40 *Open locks, 80%(6T).
45 Passwall(60'; 6T; 5'x10').
50 Move earth(240'; 6T).
55 *Open locks, 90%(6T).
55 Summon weather(240T; 30 miles).
60 Reverse gravity(90'; 30'cube).
70 *Open locks, 100%(6T).
80 Weather control(concentration; 240 yards).
85 *Open locks, 110%(6T).
90 Earthquake(120 yards; 1T; 175'sq.).
100 Wish.

D Defenses.

Cost Power
10 Remove fear(3T; +6 save).
15 Cure light wounds(cure 7hp).
20 Cure blindness(Touch).
20 Cure disease(30').
25 Free person(120'; up to 4 creatures).
25 Cure serious wounds(cure 14hp).
30 Neutralize poison(Touch).
35 Cure critical wounds(cure 21hp).
40 Free monster(120'; up to 4 creatures).
45 Remove geas(30').
50 Stone to Flesh(120'; 10'cube).
60 Raise dead(120'; 132 days dead).
70 Remove curse(Touch).
85 Raise dead fully(60' up to 8 years dead).
90 Restore(Touch).
95 *Regeneration(3hp per round for 1T).
100 Heal(Touch).
100 *Automatic healing(self only).

D2(Personal bonuses)

Cost Power
10 *Memorize +1 spell bonus level.
20 *Armor class bonus -2(6T).
20 *Ability score bonus(6T; 1 random score).
20 *Memorize +2 bonus spell levels.
25 *Parry(6T).
25 *Saving throws bonus +1(1T).
30 *Hit point bonus +1 per HD(1T).
30 *Memorize +3 bonus spell levels.
35 *Dodge normal missiles(1T; save vs. wands to avoid damage).
35 *Size control(6T; 3'' to 18').
40 *Ability score bonus(Duration 2 random scores).
40 *Armor class bonus -4(6T).
40 *Memorize +4 bonus spell levels.
45 *Elasticity(12T; take 1/2 damage from blunt weapons).
50 *Dodge any missiles(1T; save vs. wands to avoid damage).
50 *memorize +5 bonus spell levels.
50 *Saving throws bonus +4(6T).
60 *Ability score bonus(6T; 3 random scores).
60 *Armor class bonus -6(6T).
60 *Hit point bonus +2 per HD(6T).
60 *Memorize +6 bonus spell levels.
65 *Dodge directional attacks(1T; save vs. wands to avoid damage).
65 Polymorph self(46T).
70 *Memorize +7 bonus spell levels.
75 *Saving throws bonus +6(6T).
80 *Ability score bonus(6T; 4 random scores).
80 *Armor class bonus -8(6T).
80 *Memorize +8 bonus spell levels.
85 *Inertia control(4 hours; 1 object).
90 *hit point bonus +3 per HD(1T).
90 *Memorize +9 bonus spell levels.
100 *Ability score bonus(6T; all scores).
100 *Armor class bonus -10(6T).
100 *Memorize +10 bonus spell levels.
100 Shapechange(40T; any creature or object 40'/4,000cn).

D3(Personal protections)

Cost Power
10 Shield(6T).
15 *Anti-magic 10%(6T).
15 Mindmask(Touch; 12T).
15 *Reflection(6T).
15 Water breathing(30'; 1day).
20 *Defending(6T; weapon bonuses can apply to AC instead).
20 Invisibility.
20 *Immune to disease(Touch; 18T).
25 Invisibility 10' radius(120').
30 *Immune to paralysis(Touch; 6T).
30 *Security(trap 5 items, alarm only).
35 *Anti-magic 20%(6T).
40 *Immune to poison(18T; self only)
50 *Immune to aging attacks(Touch; 18T).
55 *Anti-magic 30%(6T).
60 Mass invisibility(240'; 60'sq./300 mas-size).
65 Survival(48 hours).
70 Statue(80T; +2 initiative).
75 *Anti-magic 40%(6T).
80 *Immune to energy drain(Touch; 6T).
80 Mind barrier(10'; 48 hours; +8 to pertinent saving throws).
85 *Protection from magical detection(6T; self & items).
95 *Anti-magic 50%(6T).
100 *Luck(1T; choose result of 1 roll).
100 Immunity(40T; blocks spells level 1-3 and half effect of spells level 4-5; no damage from normal or silver weapon attacks and half damage from mortal magical weapons; no effect vs. Immortals).
100 *Immune to breath weapons(Touch; 1T).


Cost Power
10 Ventriloquism(90'; 3T).
15 Confuse alignment(Touch; 40T).
20 Obscure(40T; 400'sq./40'high).
25 Mirror image(6T; 5 false images).
30 *Hide in shadows, 30%(6T).
30 Massmorph(240'; 100 man-size).
35 Hallucinatory terrain(240').
40 *Merging(18T; 7 creatures).
45 *Hide in shadows, 50%(6T).
50 *Phantasmal force(240'; 40'cube).
60 *Hide in shadows, 70%(6T).
70 Projected image(240'; 6T).
90 *Blend with surroundings(6T).


Cost Power
10 Resist cold(12T; +2 to ST vs. cold attacks, -1 pt of cold damage per die; 30' radius).
10 Protection from evil(6T).
15 Resist fire(6T; +2 to ST vs. fire attacks, -1 pt of fire damage per die).
20 Protection from normal missiles(30'; 12T).
20 *Protection from some creatures(6T; up to 5HD).
25 *Protection from evil 10' radius(12T; +1 to saving throws).
25 *Bug repellant(40T; +4 to ST vs. summoned/controlled bugs).
25 Ice walls(120'; 12T; 1,200sq.ft.).
25 Wall of fire(60'; Concentration; 1,200sq.ft.).
30 Anti-plant shell(6T).
30 Protection from poison(Touch; 40T; +4 vs. breath).
35 Wall of stone(60'; 1,000cu.ft.).
35 *Shelter.
40 Protection from lightning(Touch; 40T; 40HD).
40 *Protection from many creatures(6T; up to 10HD).
45 Anti-animal shell(40T).
50 Wall of iron(120'; 500sq.ft.).
60 *Protection from most creatures(6T; up to 15HD).
70 Barrier(12T; 7d10 damages).
75 Anti-magic shell(12T).
80 Force field(120'; 6T; 5,000sq.ft.).
85 *Protection from all creatures(6T).
100 Prismatic wall(60'; 6T; 10' radius or 500sq.ft.).

Source, Dungeons & Dragons Set V, Immortal's Rules. TSR 1992.
(c)1992. TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
