Cost |
Attack Type. |
10 |
Cause light wounds (7hp damage). |
15 |
Magic missile (5 missiles; 1d6+1 damage each). |
20 |
*Flaming (6T; +2 vs. hippogriffs pegasi; rocs; trolls or +3 vs. treants; undead). |
25 |
Cause disease (30') No effect vs. Immortals. |
30 |
Cause serious wounds (14hp damage). |
30 |
*Extinguishing (6T; douse normal flame; double bonuses vs. fire using creatures). |
35 |
Cause critical wounds (21hp damage). |
35 |
*Bearhug (1T). |
40 |
Poison (Touch). |
40 |
Dispel evil (30'; 1T) No effect vs. Immortals. |
40 |
*Electricity (Special; 6d6 damage to melee attackers). |
45 |
Cloudkill (1'; 6T less 5HD must make ST vs. poison or die). area effect 30'x20' No effect vs. Immortals. |
45 |
Ice storm (120'; 20d6 damage in 20' cube). |
50 |
Death spell (240' slay up to 32HD(7th level or below) creatures in 60' cube). No effect vs. Immortals. |
50 |
Finger of Death (60') No effect vs. Immortals. |
50 |
*Poison gas breath (3r; 20' cube) No effect vs. Immortals. |
50 |
*Slicing (6T; Instantly kill on roll of 19-20). Immortal victim only take double damage. |
55 |
Fireball (240'; 20d6 damage). |
60 |
*Fire breath (30'x10'; damage equals 1/2 of user's hp. up to 70). |
60 |
*Ice breath (30'x10'; damage equals 1/2 of user's hp. up to 70). |
60 |
Lightning bolt (180'; 20d6 damage; 60'x5'). |
65 |
*Acid breath (30'x5'). |
65 |
Delayed blast fireball (240'; delay of 0-60 rounds at caster choice; 20d6 damage). |
75 |
Explosive cloud (1'; 6T; 20'x30'x30',20hp per round). |
80 |
Disintegrate (60'; 1 creature). An Immortal suffers 6d10 damage. |
85 |
Power word kill (120'; kill 60hp, or stun 60-100hp for 4T). No effect vs. Immortals. |
90 |
Obliterate (60'; Automatically slays up to 7HD; 8-12HD save at -4, above 12HD take 6d10 damage). No effect vs. Immortals. |
100 |
Meteor swarm (240'; 4 for 8d6+8d6 or 8 for 4d6+4d6). |
Cost |
Attack Type. |
| Cause fear(120'; 2T). No effect vs. Immortals. |
15 |
Sleep(240'; 20T; up to 20HD). No effect vs. Immortals. |
20 |
Charm person(120'). No effect vs. Immortals. |
25 |
Confusion(120'; 12r; up to 18 creatures in 30' radius). No effect vs. Immortals. |
30 |
Charm monster(120'; 12r; 18 creatures at 3HD or less, or 1 at 3+ HD). No effect vs. Immortals. |
30 |
*Calm others(120'; up to 40HD). |
35 |
*Control plants(All in 30'x30'; 20T). |
40 |
Feeblemind(240'; -4 to ST, Int score becomes 2). No effect vs. Immortals. |
45 |
Charm plant(120'; 3 months; 1 tree or 6 bushes or 12 shrub or 24 small plants). |
50 |
Geas(30'). No effect vs. Immortal. |
60 |
*Control animals(20T; up to 40HD, 20 creatures). |
70 |
*Control lesser undead(20T; up to 9HD or less, 20HD total, 10 individual creature). |
75 |
Mass charm(120'; 30HD, -2 to ST). No effect vs. Immortals. |
80 |
Open mind(Touch; -8 to ST). No effect vs. Immortals. |
85 |
*Control giants(20T; one type, 4 creatures). |
90 |
*Control greater undead(20T; any HD, 40HD of creatures, up to 20 individual creatures). |
95 |
*Control dragons(20T; one type, 3 small dragons or one large). |
100 |
*Control humans(20T; up to 7HD humans, 40HD total, up to 20 individual creatures). |
Cost |
Attack Type. |
10 |
Web(10'; 10'x10'x10'; 48T). |
15 |
Hold animal(180'; 40T; one type, 4 creatures). |
20 |
Hold person(120'; 40T; up to 4 creatures). |
25 |
Slow(240'; 3T; up to 24 creatures, 30' radius). No effect vs. Immortals. |
35 |
Hold monster(120'; 46T; up to 4 creatures). |
45 |
Turn wood(30'; 40T; 120'x60'). |
50 |
Flesh to stone(120'; 1 creature or 10' cube). No effect vs. Immortals. |
60 |
Power word stun(120'; up to 35hp = 12r, 36-70hp = 6r). No effect vs. Immortals. |
75 |
Dance(Touch; 8r; -4 to ST & +4 penalty to AC). |
85 |
Power word blind(120'; up to 40hp = 4days, 41-80hp = 2d4hours). |
100 |
*Life Trapping. |
100 |
Maze(60'; 6T to 4r, depending on Intelligence). |
500 |
*Immortal life trapping. |
Cost |
Attack Type. |
10 |
Blight(60'; 6T; 20'sq. -1 to ML, attack, and damage rolls). |
15 |
Darkness(120'; 46T; 30' diameter). |
20 |
Light(120'; 46T; 30' diameter). |
20 |
*Set normal trap, 50%(6T). |
20 |
*Turn undead as 6th level cleric(1T). |
25 |
Curse(Touch). |
25 |
*Disarm attack(6T). |
30 |
Continual darkness(120'; 30' radius). |
30 |
*Pick pockets, 50%(6T). |
35 |
*Draining(1 blow; drain 1 level or HD). Used vs. Immortals, drains 25TP per blow). |
40 |
Silence 15' radius(180'; 12T). |
45 |
Polymorph other(60'; new form can have up to twice the HD of old form). Used against Immortal, the victim can return to normal immediately. |
45 |
*Turn undead as 12th level cleric(2T). |
50 |
Babble(60'; 40T). |
50 |
*Flying(1T/ 10r). |
55 |
Dispel magic(120'; 20'cube). |
55 |
*Pick pockets, 75%(6T). |
60 |
Appear(240'; 1T; 20' cube). |
65 |
*Set normal trap, 90%(6T). |
70 |
*Draining(1 blow; drain 2 levels or HD). Used against Immortal, drains 50TP per blow. |
70 |
Turn undead as 24th level cleric(3T). |
75 |
Polymorph any object(240'; 40-240T; 10'cube). |
80 |
*Pick pockets, 100%(6T). |
90 |
*Anti-magic ray(1T; 100%). |
100 |
*Blasting(60'x20'; 2d6 damage and deafen). |
250 |
*De-power(Permanent; Touch; Destroys 100PP; requires one Hierarch from each Sphere to activate). |
Cost |
Attack Type. |
10 |
Bless(60'; 6T; 20 sq., +1 to ML, attack0, and damage rolls). |
15 |
*Weapon damage bonus +2(1T). |
20 |
*Attack roll bonus +2(1T). |
20 |
*Turn undead bonus +2 to roll, 1d6 to HD(1T). |
25 |
*Leap to 30', +2 attack roll bonus with leap attacks(1T). |
25 |
*Weapon damage bonus +3(1T). |
25 |
*Weapon strength bonus +1(1T). |
30 |
*Attack roll bonus +3(1T). |
30 |
*Spell damage bonus, +1 pt per die(1 spell). |
30 |
Striking(30'; 1T; +1d6 damage). |
35 |
*Weapon damage bonus +4(1T). |
40 |
*Attack roll bonus +4 to roll(1T). |
40 |
*Turning undead bonus +4 to roll, +2d6 to HD(1T). |
40 |
*Weapon strength bonus +2(1T). |
45 |
*Weapon damage bonus +5(1T). |
50 |
*Attack roll bonus +5(1T). |
50 |
*Leap to 60', +4 attack roll bonus with leap attacks(1T). |
55 |
*Spell damage bonus, +2 pts per die(1 spell). |
55 |
*Weapon strength bonus +3(1T). |
60 |
*Turn undead bonus +6 to roll, +3d6 to HD(1T). |
70 |
*Weapon damage bonus: double weapon damage(1T). |
70 |
*Weapon strength bonus +4(1T). |
75 |
*Leap to 90', +6 attack roll bonus with leap attacks(1T). |
80 |
*Spell damage bonus, +3 pts per die(1 spell). |
85 |
*Smash attack(1T). |
85 |
*Weapon strength bonus +5(1T). |
90 |
*Weapon damage bonus: triple weapon damage(1T). |
100 |
*Spell damage bonus, +4 pts per die(1 spell). |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
*Detect new construction(60'; 36T). |
10 |
Read languages(6T). |
10 |
Read magic(3T). |
10 |
*Timekeeping(24 hours from 1 mark). |
15 |
*Detect slopes(30'; 36T). |
15 |
Speak with animals(30'; 6T). |
20 |
Infravision(Touch; 1 day; see to 60'). |
25 |
*Hear noise, 50%(12T). |
25 |
Speak with the dead(30'; 3 questions). |
30 |
Speak with plants(30'; 3T). |
30 |
*Tracking(6 hours; 90% outdoor, 50% indoor). |
30 |
*Communication, lesser(with artifact creator only; 6T). |
35 |
*Find secret doors(10'; 6T). |
50 |
*Communication, greater(6T). |
50 |
*Hear noise, 90%(24T). |
50 |
Lie detection(120'; 3T). No effect vs. Immortals. |
60 |
Speak with monsters(6T). |
70 |
*Tracking(6 hours; 90% anywhere). |
75 |
*Hear noise, 140%(36T). |
80 |
*X-ray vision(30'; 1T). |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
*Climb walls, 70%(12T). |
15 |
Levitate(46T). |
15 |
*Tree movement(12T). |
20 |
*Climb walls, 80%(12T). |
20 |
Plant door(40T). |
25 |
*Climb walls, 90%(12T). |
| Dimension door(10'; 1r; 360'). |
25 |
Fly(40+1d6T; MV 360'). |
30 |
*Gaseous form(3T). |
30 |
Haste(240'; 3T; 24 creatures within 60'). |
35 |
*Move silently, 50%(6T). |
35 |
Pass plant(300-600 yards). |
35 |
*Web movement(12T). |
40 |
*Climb walls, 100%(12T). |
40 |
Telekinesis(120', 6r, carry 8000cn; MV20' per round). |
45 |
Transport through plants(self and two additional creatures). |
50 |
Teleport(10'). |
55 |
*Climb walls, 110%(12T). |
55 |
*Move silently, 70%(6T). |
60 |
*Burrowing(6T; MV 10', 30', or 60'). |
65 |
*Plane travel(self only; 1 shift). |
70 |
*Climb walls, 120%(12T). |
75 |
*Move silently, 90%(6T). |
80 |
Travel(40T; MV 360', or 720' gaseous). |
85 |
Teleport any object(1 creature, object 10' cube, or self safely; others save at -2). |
90 |
Word of recall(Instantaneous). |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
*Container, to 5,000cn(6 hours). |
10 |
Floating disc(6T, 5,000cn). |
15 |
*Buoyancy, to 10,000cn(6T). |
20 |
*Container, to 10,000cn(6 hours). |
30 |
*Container, to 15,000cn(6 hours). |
30 |
*Buoyancy, to 20,000cn(6T). |
40 |
*Container, to 20,000cn(6 hours). |
45 |
*Buoyancy, to 40,000cn(6T). |
50 |
*Container, to 25,000cn(6 hours). |
60 |
*Container, to 30,000cn(6 hours). |
60 |
*Buoyancy, to 80,000cn(6T). |
70 |
*Container, to 35,000cn(6 hours). |
75 |
*Buoyancy, any weight(36T). |
80 |
*Container, to 40,000cn(6 hours). |
90 |
*Container, to 50,000cn(6 hours). |
Cost |
Power |
15 |
Produce fire(2T). |
20 |
Create water(6T; 50 gallons). |
30 |
Summon animals(360'; 3T). |
35 |
Create food(10'; food for 400 men and mounts). |
40 |
Create normal animals(30'; 10T; 1-6 creatures). |
45 |
Create normal monsters(30'; 2T; 40HD total). |
50 |
Animate dead(60'; 40HD). |
60 |
Animate objects(60'; 6T; 4,000cn). |
70 |
Sword(30'; 40r; As two-handed sword, 2 attacks per round). |
75 |
*Create normal objects(up to 1,000cn). |
80 |
Clone(10'). No effect vs. Immortals. |
90 |
Create magical monsters(60'; 3T; 40HD total). |
100 |
Create any monster(90'; 4T; 40HD). |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
Purify food and water(10'; 6 waterskin or 12 unpreserved rations of food or 1 preserved ration). |
10 |
*Repair normal objects(up to 1,000cn). |
15 |
*Change odors(30' cube). |
15 |
*Change tastes(40 meals or 20 cu.ft.). |
20 |
Hold portal(12T). |
30 |
*Remove traps, 50%(6T). |
30 |
Wizard lock(10'). |
35 |
*Create magical aura(120'; 3T; 40'cube). |
40 |
Magic door(10'; 7 uses). |
40 |
*Repair temporary magical object(1 object). |
50 |
*Rulership(+10 to +50 confidence). |
60 |
Magic lock(10'; 7 uses; 10' sq.). |
60 |
*Remove traps, 75%(6T). |
70 |
Remove barrier(60'). |
70 |
*Repair permanent magical object(1 object). |
75 |
*Victory(+25 to War Machine combat results roll; loss results on CRT limited to 91-100 results). |
80 |
Metal to wood(120'; 2,000cn). |
85 |
Close gate(30'). |
90 |
Permanence(10'). |
90 |
*Remove traps, 100%(6T). |
95 |
Gate(30'; 1T or d%T). |
100 |
Timestop(1d4+1 rounds). |
250 |
*Spell generation(provides spell to clerics when Immortal is absent). |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
*Open locks, 60%(6T). |
15 |
Warp wood(240'; 40 arrows). |
20 |
Growth of animal(120'; 12T; 2x Size). |
20 |
Knock(60'). |
25 |
Growth of plants(120'; 3,000 sq.ft.). |
25 |
Heat Metal(30'; 7r). |
25 |
*Open locks, 70%(6T). |
25 |
Shrink plants(120'; 3,000 sq.ft.). |
30 |
Controls winds(40T; 400'). |
30 |
Harden(120'; 3,000 sq.ft. x10'). |
35 |
Control temperature 10' radius(40T; 50 degrees). |
35 |
Dissolve(120'; 3-18 days; 3,000 sq.ft.x10'). |
40 |
Lower water(240'; 10T; water to 1/2 height). |
40 |
*Open locks, 80%(6T). |
45 |
Passwall(60'; 6T; 5'x10'). |
50 |
Move earth(240'; 6T). |
55 |
*Open locks, 90%(6T). |
55 |
Summon weather(240T; 30 miles). |
60 |
Reverse gravity(90'; 30'cube). |
70 |
*Open locks, 100%(6T). |
80 |
Weather control(concentration; 240 yards). |
85 |
*Open locks, 110%(6T). |
90 |
Earthquake(120 yards; 1T; 175'sq.). |
100 |
Wish. |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
Remove fear(3T; +6 save). |
15 |
Cure light wounds(cure 7hp). |
20 |
Cure blindness(Touch). |
20 |
Cure disease(30'). |
25 |
Free person(120'; up to 4 creatures). |
25 |
Cure serious wounds(cure 14hp). |
30 |
Neutralize poison(Touch). |
35 |
Cure critical wounds(cure 21hp). |
40 |
Free monster(120'; up to 4 creatures). |
45 |
Remove geas(30'). |
50 |
Stone to Flesh(120'; 10'cube). |
60 |
Raise dead(120'; 132 days dead). |
70 |
Remove curse(Touch). |
85 |
Raise dead fully(60' up to 8 years dead). |
90 |
Restore(Touch). |
95 |
*Regeneration(3hp per round for 1T). |
100 |
Heal(Touch). |
100 |
*Automatic healing(self only). |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
*Memorize +1 spell bonus level. |
20 |
*Armor class bonus -2(6T). |
20 |
*Ability score bonus(6T; 1 random score). |
20 |
*Memorize +2 bonus spell levels. |
25 |
*Parry(6T). |
25 |
*Saving throws bonus +1(1T). |
30 |
*Hit point bonus +1 per HD(1T). |
30 |
*Memorize +3 bonus spell levels. |
35 |
*Dodge normal missiles(1T; save vs. wands to avoid damage). |
35 |
*Size control(6T; 3'' to 18'). |
40 |
*Ability score bonus(Duration 2 random scores). |
40 |
*Armor class bonus -4(6T). |
40 |
*Memorize +4 bonus spell levels. |
45 |
*Elasticity(12T; take 1/2 damage from blunt weapons). |
50 |
*Dodge any missiles(1T; save vs. wands to avoid damage). |
50 |
*memorize +5 bonus spell levels. |
50 |
*Saving throws bonus +4(6T). |
60 |
*Ability score bonus(6T; 3 random scores). |
60 |
*Armor class bonus -6(6T). |
60 |
*Hit point bonus +2 per HD(6T). |
60 |
*Memorize +6 bonus spell levels. |
65 |
*Dodge directional attacks(1T; save vs. wands to avoid damage). |
65 |
Polymorph self(46T). |
70 |
*Memorize +7 bonus spell levels. |
75 |
*Saving throws bonus +6(6T). |
80 |
*Ability score bonus(6T; 4 random scores). |
80 |
*Armor class bonus -8(6T). |
80 |
*Memorize +8 bonus spell levels. |
85 |
*Inertia control(4 hours; 1 object). |
90 |
*hit point bonus +3 per HD(1T). |
90 |
*Memorize +9 bonus spell levels. |
100 |
*Ability score bonus(6T; all scores). |
100 |
*Armor class bonus -10(6T). |
100 |
*Memorize +10 bonus spell levels. |
100 |
Shapechange(40T; any creature or object 40'/4,000cn). |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
Shield(6T). |
15 |
*Anti-magic 10%(6T). |
15 |
Mindmask(Touch; 12T). |
15 |
*Reflection(6T). |
15 |
Water breathing(30'; 1day). |
20 |
*Defending(6T; weapon bonuses can apply to AC instead). |
20 |
Invisibility. |
20 |
*Immune to disease(Touch; 18T). |
25 |
Invisibility 10' radius(120'). |
30 |
*Immune to paralysis(Touch; 6T). |
30 |
*Security(trap 5 items, alarm only). |
35 |
*Anti-magic 20%(6T). |
40 |
*Immune to poison(18T; self only) |
50 |
*Immune to aging attacks(Touch; 18T). |
55 |
*Anti-magic 30%(6T). |
60 |
Mass invisibility(240'; 60'sq./300 mas-size). |
65 |
Survival(48 hours). |
70 |
Statue(80T; +2 initiative). |
75 |
*Anti-magic 40%(6T). |
80 |
*Immune to energy drain(Touch; 6T). |
80 |
Mind barrier(10'; 48 hours; +8 to pertinent saving throws). |
85 |
*Protection from magical detection(6T; self & items). |
95 |
*Anti-magic 50%(6T). |
100 |
*Luck(1T; choose result of 1 roll). |
100 |
Immunity(40T; blocks spells level 1-3 and half effect of spells level 4-5; no damage from normal or silver weapon attacks and half damage from mortal magical weapons; no effect vs. Immortals). |
100 |
*Immune to breath weapons(Touch; 1T). |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
Ventriloquism(90'; 3T). |
15 |
Confuse alignment(Touch; 40T). |
20 |
Obscure(40T; 400'sq./40'high). |
25 |
Mirror image(6T; 5 false images). |
30 |
*Hide in shadows, 30%(6T). |
30 |
Massmorph(240'; 100 man-size). |
35 |
Hallucinatory terrain(240'). |
40 |
*Merging(18T; 7 creatures). |
45 |
*Hide in shadows, 50%(6T). |
50 |
*Phantasmal force(240'; 40'cube). |
60 |
*Hide in shadows, 70%(6T). |
70 |
Projected image(240'; 6T). |
90 |
*Blend with surroundings(6T). |
Cost |
Power |
10 |
Resist cold(12T; +2 to ST vs. cold attacks, -1 pt of cold damage per die; 30' radius). |
10 |
Protection from evil(6T). |
15 |
Resist fire(6T; +2 to ST vs. fire attacks, -1 pt of fire damage per die). |
20 |
Protection from normal missiles(30'; 12T). |
20 |
*Protection from some creatures(6T; up to 5HD). |
25 |
*Protection from evil 10' radius(12T; +1 to saving throws). |
25 |
*Bug repellant(40T; +4 to ST vs. summoned/controlled bugs). |
25 |
Ice walls(120'; 12T; 1,200sq.ft.). |
25 |
Wall of fire(60'; Concentration; 1,200sq.ft.). |
30 |
Anti-plant shell(6T). |
30 |
Protection from poison(Touch; 40T; +4 vs. breath). |
35 |
Wall of stone(60'; 1,000cu.ft.). |
35 |
*Shelter. |
40 |
Protection from lightning(Touch; 40T; 40HD). |
40 |
*Protection from many creatures(6T; up to 10HD). |
45 |
Anti-animal shell(40T). |
50 |
Wall of iron(120'; 500sq.ft.). |
60 |
*Protection from most creatures(6T; up to 15HD). |
70 |
Barrier(12T; 7d10 damages). |
75 |
Anti-magic shell(12T). |
80 |
Force field(120'; 6T; 5,000sq.ft.). |
85 |
*Protection from all creatures(6T). |
100 |
Prismatic wall(60'; 6T; 10' radius or 500sq.ft.). |
Source, Dungeons & Dragons Set V, Immortal's Rules. TSR 1992.
(c)1992. TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.